After the storm....
The Poor Man's Orchid had to be cut back totally since so many branches and limbs were twisted and damaged - hoping it will spring back soon.
More tomorrow. Will look at the backyard and some non-cactus issues.
Today is a public holiday so I decided to be productive and get the grafting done as I had planned. Then I sowed some new seed and some old ones (although they might no longer be viable I just figured I should finish them and see if I get any results).
Three grafts done – Obregonia denegrii, Astrophytum asterias, and Copiapoa hypogea. No photos but will do so when I think they have actually bonded.
I sowed mostly Mammillaria (just one Gymnocalycium and one Frailea). I still have all the Notocactus seeds to sow, but some still have to be extracted from their pods and cleaned up and all that so I’m not quite ready with those. Maybe next weekend.
When I finished doing that, I decided that I want to prepare a presentation on “The Genus Mammillaria – Some examples from my garden” and then walked around selecting some of the plants that I would “feature” since I will want to actually take them along to the Horticultural Society meeting to go along with a Powerpoint presentation highlighting the different species, their similarities and differences. I think it will make an interesting talk.
So far I have decided to include Mammillaria albilanata, Mammillaria decipiens and subspecies, Mammillaria karwinskiana and subspecies, Mammillaria plumosa, Mammillaria magnimamma, Mammillaria longimamma, and Mammillaria prolifera. When it is drafted out I will figure out what else to add and how to present my information. I’m off to put some photos together!