Sticky Fingers

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Kalanchoe orygalis

It seems so easy to grow this plant - because it is undemanding and thrives on little attention. I find its colour particularly attractive, and unlike other Kalanchoes, it does not make itself into a pest but just steadily grows as a single plant without spreading itself all around where it may not be wanted. I haven't checked, but I suspect that it has grown through its pot and is now embedded in the ground. I have this one and a small one, and I think I will try to propagate a couple more for good measure.

Kalanchoe orygalis

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Haworthia limifolia

I am trying hard to get back on track. I should post my plant of the week on Sunday or Monday. Last week I didn't get it posted until Wednesday. This week it is now Tuesday already. Maybe next week I'll be on time.

This Haworthia limifolia was repotted this weekend because someone persuaded me to sell them the only one I had set up in a 4" pot. My larger plant (in this 6" pot) had put on many pups but I hadn't made any move to repot it. I figured I should separate and repot so that I would still have more than one plant. I am usually hesitant to repot while a plant is in flower, but this plant hardly seems to be disturbed by anything like this.

I ended up with the plant shown below, another filling a 5" pot, several in another 5" pot, one in a 4" pot, and one in a 2" pot. All these coming out of a single 6" pot. I'm not even counting the suckers that were developing all over the roots that I re-buried, and hope to see surfacing soon.

Such an easy plant, not in the least bit fussy, attractive rosette that looks soft but is quite sturdy, and a reliable bloomer.

Haworthia limifolia

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mammillaria karwinskiana

I've had this plant for about three years now - sourced from MesaGarden. It's one of the few that adapted quickly and started growing and blooming. Other plants that I got in the same batch are still struggling to just get established.

I think that Mammillaria karwinskiana and subspecies do well in this climate, as I have a few types and they all bloom reliably even though the small yellow flowers aren't very eye-catching or spectacular. I have to appreciate them for what they are.

The spines on the plant were outstanding when I got it, but it seems to have grown into them. I'm now expecting to see it begin to divide dichotomously soon.

Mammillaria karwinskiana

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Info on the Euphorbia

Now that I have a minute - to elaborate on the plant I just posted.

This particular plant shown actually grows faster than others that I have of the same species. I've just cut off two pieces from this one to set new plants since it's now the only one of this strain in my collection. It's potted in a 16" or 18" clay pot, and is about 2 feet high, measured from the soil surface.

The other cristate Euphorbia lactea in my collection has grown through its pot into the ground, but now that it has become top-heavy (started out as a regular lactea) it has fallen over and all my efforts to prop it up have failed. So it has been lying on its side for the last two or three weeks. I need to do something about it soon.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Euphorbia lactea cristata

No time to say much about this one - just posting it as my plant for this week.

Euphorbia lactea cristata