Sticky Fingers

Monday, March 31, 2008

Echinofossulocactus ochoterenaus

I couldn't post anything but this as the Plant of the Week. This is one of my own babies grown from seed that I got from Glenhirst Cactus Nursery in the UK in 2003, which was my first real attempt at growing cactus from seed. Many mistakes were made, and of the 145 species that I got seed packets for, only 27 plants have survived.

The Echinofossulocactus ochoterenaus is is one of the surviviors, and at just under five years old it has thrown out its first blooms. I think they are just beautiful!

Echinofossulocactus ochoterenaus

I love the wavy ribs on these species, and I keep on trying to grow more but it's a long slow process. Now I have three other TINY Echinofossulocactus seedlings that are nearly two years old but I am not yet confident of their survival. I hope I will be able to show off their blooms in another few years.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Mammillaria albilanata

I was trying to select an appropriate plant for this week, and when I walked around the garden I didn't find many in bloom. I have posted photos of my Mammillaria albilanata grown from seed, but today this is one that I got from a box store. It bloomed sparingly last year but seems to have come into its own this season.

Mammillaria albilanata

Can't say the same for one that I received in 2005 from a specialist nursery - it doesn't seem to have adjusted to the change of climate yet but I haven't lost faith in it.

And not to leave out my own babies - here is one that tried hard to send out a ring of flowers last month - didn't quite make it but I'm satisfied with the effort.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

It's been blooming for two weeks now!

Not cactus or any other type of succulent, but my mother's 40-year old gerber has been in flower for the last two weeks. Not that she is looking after it, and nor am I, because it needs more water than I can remember to give it - good thing that there is someone else who has been watering nearly every day since sometime in February. The cacti have appreciated it also.

The Echinopsis calochlora that I am trying to establish for my boss is also in the photo, so that keeps it cactus-oriented enough.

Echinopsis calochlora with Gerbera

Monday, March 17, 2008

Euphorbia aeruginosa

I have nurtured this Euphorbia aeruginosa for several years now - when I first got it from Mr. Wallace it started to die back and I was left with just one surviving branch. So I treat it very gently, although it has clearly recovered and is pretty happy where it is. I want to take a couple of cuttings to try and set some new plants but I am hesitant. My luck with Euphorbia hasn't been the greatest recently, but what I have left seem to be hanging on okay.

Euphorbia aeruginosa

Monday, March 10, 2008

Cryptanthus in bloom this week

I have a soft spot for Cryptanthus although they are not succulent plants. However, they can tolerate great neglect and little water, so they can fit in with my cactus collection quite happily. I just have to remember not to scorch them, as I have done with some of these and other bromeliads.

Since January we have been doing some repotting and trying to bring back some of the truly neglected plants back to decent condition. All the Cryptanthus had to be redone and since they are now being watered regularly they are much happier.

I have no IDs on any of them - this is the only one that is pure green while the others tend to be in shades of pink and purple. Any suggestions for ID are welcome. I find it very hard to search through internet sites full of photos when I don't even have a lead to start with.

This one is the most willing bloomer of the lot.


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Bryophyllum 'crenatodaigremontianum'

This is a cross between Kalanchoe crenatum and Kalanchoe daigremontianum. It produces many plantlets on the edges of the leaves and can look absolutely fabulous when grow hard in the sun, when it takes on a beautiful reddish tinge.

I have mixed feelings about this plant, and it is evidenced by the fact that it gets terrible treatment, although it can be a very attractive specimen. It is not impossible to kill it, but there is no shortage of offsets and it can be found all around my garden now, growing in every possible location where the plantlets have fallen, even lookin glike "flowers" at the crown of cacti. I intend to cultivate a specimen potted up nicely in a container and see if I can have it ready for the JHS show for the end of April.

Kalanchoe 'crenatodaigremontianum'
(sunny spot)

(shady spot)