Sticky Fingers

Friday, November 30, 2007

Tray of plants from seed

In November, I took photos of my plant trays.

I have called this Tray 1.

What's in it?
Front Row (L-R): Mammillaria albilanata, Mammillaria longimamma, Astrophytum hybrid, Echinofossulocactus ochoterenaus.

2nd Row (L-R): Mammillaria sp, Mammillaria magnimamma, Acanthocalycium spiniflorum, Notocactus horstii purpureus.

Back Row (L-R): Ferocactus gracilis 'coloratus', Mammillaria sp, Mammillaria dixanthocentron, Mammillaria albilanata.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Notocactus horstii purpureus flower opened!

So I'm a little late with the news - this happened about two weeks ago (photo was taken on November 17) but I've just been delinquent in getting the photos uploaded so that I can show it off. Actually, both buds have opened without any difficulties except that they refused to open fully. I am told that this plant is a spring bloomer so I am hoping that I will see more action in another few months after the "winter" is over.

I can't explain how good it feels to have grown this from seed to such a nice flowering plant! I'm now looking forward to more blooms from my babies during the next season.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Another rainy day

Today is the 8th continuous day of rain - caused by Hurricane Noel for the most part although it passed so far away from us. This morning the sun was shining, and I had hoped for a day without rain but no such luck. The clouds set up and was raining by midday.

Since I had to confine my activities to the verandah, I managed to do some repotting of some 2007 seedlings since my soil got the chance to dry out a bit. So many more, though - and tomorrow I hope to sow some more seed. Where am I going to put all those plants when they grow up????

A couple of plants took advantage of the little sun they saw this morning and opened some flowers.

An unknown succulent...

Mammillaria decipiens FO-140

Mammillaria vetula ssp gracilis

All small, but it's what I got today, so I can't complain.

Still watching that Notocactus bud ...

Friday, November 02, 2007

Cereus pernambucensis bloomed

I don't know how I could have forgotten to post the photo of the flower after all that waiting and anticipation, although I wasn't even here to see it flower.

The other buds aborted, so I guess I am not looking forward to another anytime soon. Now I just need to plant the head in a pot since it has started to root, and I should be able to enjoy watching it grow and hopefully bloom again soon enough.

I should really get it planted out now while it is raining, so it can get its roots established fairly quickly. Maybe I will take that on tomorrow (if the rain eases up long enough, that is).