Sticky Fingers

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Euphorbia flanaganii - already got flowers


What a difference the environment makes to a plant.

Stuck my euphorbia flanagani in a pot pretty much with just sandy soil, watered and put it in the garden....

And now I have flowers - small as they are but ... I hope I can get seeds!

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I am still working on getting the euphorbia mammilaris into a big concrete pot - got the pots but they need to be painted so I haven't potted them up yet - they're just hanging around loose without any soil, out in the sun and getting rain and water just the same. The six pieces all look very content so I'm not worried.

All week I have been focusing on restoration after the four months of neglect. Many of my tiny seedlings didn't make it, not for the lack of care but for the disturbance caused by mice and/or lizards. What fun they must have had digging! So those that made it have been repotted and I'm now looking at trying to ensure that they are protected for my next period of absence.

Although cacti are slow growers, they surely do respond quickly to watering after a period of drought - everything has perked up and filled out and seem to be getting back to normal. Little do they know that in two weeks it's back to the drought and famine. But at least they can enjoy the care and attention while it lasts.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Euphorbia knuthii

I got a euphorbia knuthii in April 2003 as a single branch about six inches long. The photo to the right is what it looked like in September 2003.

Two years later (July 2005), just look at how it has grown! I don't know what to expect when I see it again next week . You know what I keep thinking - what if all that rain in September and October was too much for it and now it's dead? I really hope not. Maybe I shouldn't worry so much.

Will post updated photos (even if the pot is empty - just so you can see for yourself).

euphorbia knuthii Posted by Picasa

You know, I think I might need a separate page just for the euphorbias - I wll definitely need one for the seedlings - it will take YEARS to watch those grow!

The euphorbia mammilaris and flanagani are my two most recent acquisitions. I'm dying to get them repotted into something bigger in the sun so they can really flourish. Put them out there in the garden along with my knuthii and tirucalli and baioensis. I'll put on photos of those in a while. Next week I will see how those plants have grown while I've been away

I hope these new ones don't die because of the change in climate. That's a chance I will have to take and hope for the best. They surely won't do too much stuck in these small pots indoors in the winter.

euphorbia mamillaris Posted by Picasa

euphorbia flanagani Posted by Picasa

Now this is new

I just said this was crazy but just look at what I'm doing now. But then I also said I was crazy so what else would I expect?

This might just be perfect - I'll see how it works out.