Sticky Fingers

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Mammillaria hahniana finally blooming!

I think this is Mammillaria hahniana (maybe) ssp woodsii.

I remember buying this small globe at the JHS Flower Show about three years ago just because it looked like something I didn't have. Never mind that I didn't know what it was, but eventually I got a tentative ID from one of the Forums that it might be Mammillaria hahniana.

Although it has been quietly growing, I was surprised to see buds form earlier this year.

Finally, the display!

And, a closer look at the flower.


Saturday, January 13, 2007

Seed-grown Mammillaria albilanata

This week, Mammillaria albilanata - the two and a half year old plant grown from seed that I posted earlier when it started budding. I'm so proud of my first seed-grown flower - well, technically this was the second but I didn't get a photo of the first one (but the withered bud is still showing).

Every day I'm now busy searching all the other seedlings for any sign of flowering action - I think I need to just be patient and stop looking so hard.


More Mammillaria blooms!

Things are really looking up for me. I'm starting to count the cacti that haven't bloomed instead of those that have. Of course, I try to catch each new bloom on camera so I have a record of what it looks like because I can't be sure when I will see it happen again - I'm not yet confident that I'll see blooms annually as the seasons roll around.

What have I seen for the first time today?

Two plants of Mammillaria magnimamma ...

And Mammillaria pringlei - just when I was lamenting the fact that M. rhodantha was being such a prolific bloomer and nothing was happening with M. pringlei - guess it felt now was a good time to prove me wrong (not that I'm complaining)


Thursday, January 04, 2007

Mammillaria karwinskiana and rhodantha

These are also left over from what would have been my Christmas Day blog.

Mammillaria karwinskiana

And, Mammillaria rhodantha.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

My flowers for Christmas

Been trying to post this since Christmas Day. Maybe it will work in parts.

Finally caught this one open today - I think it is Mammillaria albilanata

Also blooming - Mammillaria decipiens FO-140 ....

.... and Mammillaria decipiens ssp albescens

First buds on a seedling

Just before the New Year, I spotted buds on one of my Mammillaria albilanata plants grown from seed. It's now just about two and a half years old and still in a 2" pot, so I was surprised and extremely pleased.

Can you see them?

Of course, I went searching the other six babies but no sign of anything there. Still, it gives me hope and encouragement that I'm doing something right.

Guess who will be buying more seed early in 2007?

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