More new plants!
I've been trying to not get anything new, but yesterday I went to a Cactus and Succulent Society meeting and came home with a box of goodies. Mostly Euphorbias, and far more than I had planned. My excuse is that they are all fairly small so they won't take up much space.
Just for the record:
1. Euphorbia stellaspina
2. Euphorbia gorgonis "Brevirama" - an offset from a mature plant
3. Euphorbia grandicornis - from seed March 2005
4. Euphorbia bupleurifolia - from seed March 2005
5. Euphorbia laikipiensis - cutting
6. Euphorbia stellata - from seed June 6, 2002
7. Euphorbia obesa - from seed August 10, 2004
8. Euphorbia platyclada - from seed September 2004
9. Euphorbia fasciculata
10. Euphorbia guiengola - cutting
11. Euphorbia fulgens - cutting
12. Uebelmannia pectinifera - from seed March 2004
Not a great photo, but here they all are in the box they came home in last night.
I also got caught in the grocery a few days ago when I walked past the plant section and this grafted cactus just jumped into my hand - I couldn't resist. I do have a serious case of "cactitis" or "succulentia".
I still need to find out what this plant is - probably a Rebutia or Sulcorebutia but when it blooms I will be able to get more help on that. It has two buds so I hope to soon see some action.
Just for the record:
1. Euphorbia stellaspina
2. Euphorbia gorgonis "Brevirama" - an offset from a mature plant
3. Euphorbia grandicornis - from seed March 2005
4. Euphorbia bupleurifolia - from seed March 2005
5. Euphorbia laikipiensis - cutting
6. Euphorbia stellata - from seed June 6, 2002
7. Euphorbia obesa - from seed August 10, 2004
8. Euphorbia platyclada - from seed September 2004
9. Euphorbia fasciculata
10. Euphorbia guiengola - cutting
11. Euphorbia fulgens - cutting
12. Uebelmannia pectinifera - from seed March 2004
Not a great photo, but here they all are in the box they came home in last night.
I also got caught in the grocery a few days ago when I walked past the plant section and this grafted cactus just jumped into my hand - I couldn't resist. I do have a serious case of "cactitis" or "succulentia".
I still need to find out what this plant is - probably a Rebutia or Sulcorebutia but when it blooms I will be able to get more help on that. It has two buds so I hope to soon see some action.