Sticky Fingers

Sunday, June 18, 2006

More new plants!

I've been trying to not get anything new, but yesterday I went to a Cactus and Succulent Society meeting and came home with a box of goodies. Mostly Euphorbias, and far more than I had planned. My excuse is that they are all fairly small so they won't take up much space.

Just for the record:

1. Euphorbia stellaspina
2. Euphorbia gorgonis "Brevirama" - an offset from a mature plant
3. Euphorbia grandicornis - from seed March 2005
4. Euphorbia bupleurifolia - from seed March 2005
5. Euphorbia laikipiensis - cutting
6. Euphorbia stellata - from seed June 6, 2002
7. Euphorbia obesa - from seed August 10, 2004
8. Euphorbia platyclada - from seed September 2004
9. Euphorbia fasciculata
10. Euphorbia guiengola - cutting
11. Euphorbia fulgens - cutting
12. Uebelmannia pectinifera - from seed March 2004

Not a great photo, but here they all are in the box they came home in last night.

I also got caught in the grocery a few days ago when I walked past the plant section and this grafted cactus just jumped into my hand - I couldn't resist. I do have a serious case of "cactitis" or "succulentia".

I still need to find out what this plant is - probably a Rebutia or Sulcorebutia but when it blooms I will be able to get more help on that. It has two buds so I hope to soon see some action.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Grow, little cactus, grow!

I've been trying to organise myself where my seedlings are concerned, and keep track of which ones are still alive and how they are doing. I guess I want to measure my success rate in some way and figure out what has worked and what hasn't.

Anyway, I picked out a particular Echinocereus that I realised I had photos of at various stages of growth. It was sowed in April 2004 from a species mix, so I hope to eventually be able to give it a proper ID. You never know, it might even flower!

So here is its progress from a year old to just over two years old.

May 2005

...........December 2005
.....................February 2006
....................................March 2006
..............................................May 2006

I've started working on logs of some other seedlings and plan to take monthly photos so I can look back and watch their progress.