Sticky Fingers

Thursday, September 14, 2006


So I just need to post something, since I've been so delinquent. It's not that nothing has been happening but I have too much to do and no time to blog!

It's been raining nearly every day for weeks now and although the mature plants are holding up well (only a few casualties), a whole tray of seedlings took sick and several of them expired. They're stronger than I thought, though, and the rest are still alive but now need to re-root -I hope that will happen soon. Most of them are Mammillarias about a year and a half old. I lost a few that I only had one surviving seedling, but such is life. The younger batch of seedlings is still doing well.

I picked up an Agave at the Denbigh agricultural show, and I think it is Agave geminiflora - I'll have to see how it changes as it matures.

Several old faithful Mammillarias are coming back into bloom now, but some have been opening secretly since I just can't seem to see them open, much less to catch them on camera. I'll keep trying, though.

So that's my quick update, until....


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