Sticky Fingers

Monday, October 16, 2006

Gymnocalycium gibbosum

This was just a tiny thing when I won it in the CSSM raffle in April this year - it was hardly green and had been offset in March so was just starting to grow. I chose it off the raffle table even though there were other bigger and more attractive plants to choose from because I just have this weakness for Gymnocalyciums (and I didn't have gibbosum).

I got it home and transplanted in May, and it started to grow.

Now it is putting on spines and looking like a real plant. It even has a small pup buried under it and I hope it doesn't perish before it is big enough to detach and set up on its own.

I'm glad it is doing well, because the seedlings that I had from a batch sowed in March have perished. I'd love another one, though, so I'll be trying to set more from seed again soon.


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