Sticky Fingers

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Some photos of the recent "repots"

Last week I mentioned that I had moved up some of my larger plants grown from seed into 4" pots. I'm having difficulty figuring what to call them since they are now really too big for me to call them "seedlings' but since I grew them from seed I can't help but still consider them that way, and I feel I need to differentiate them from those grown by others.

Photos of a few of them...

Mammillaria dixanthocentron sowed August 2004
Almost glowing in the sunshine

Ferocactus gracilis 'coloratus' sowed August 2004

Mammillaria without ID sowed April 2004
I love these spines!



  • The second photo labeled mammillaria unidentified sure looks like a Ferocactus sp., maybe a Fire Barrel.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 03, 2007 3:11 am  

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