Sticky Fingers

Friday, April 13, 2007

Echinocereus knippelianus

I particularly like this species but only have this one plant that I have managed to keep alive from seed for nearly four years now (Wow, didn't realise it was that long!)

It was attacked by some predator some time back, hence the disfiguration, which it overcame by sprouting a healthy branch/arm. Sometimes I wonder if it is really okay because the body shrivels, but I've come to realise that this is part of its self-imposed dormancy - also seen in other Echinocereus seedlings in my collection.

So last week (or the week before) I was happy to see another new growth... soon it will have two heads!

Now I'm looking out to see if more will sprout since it is seeming happy and fat for the time being, or maybe it will turn out to be a once-a-year occurrence. I need to check my photos to find out when the older head appeared.

My fingers are crossed for continued healthy growth!



  • A real survivor :)

    One option is to cut & re-root the offsets when they grow bigger..

    By Blogger Oyvind, at April 14, 2007 10:37 am  

  • I've had trouble rooting Echinocereus in the past so I'm a bit hesitant about that suggestion. I suppose I could graft it but I haven't had much success with that so I may just continue to nurture this one.

    I wondered if it would mind being buried a bit deeper, but I haven't done so since I don't want to run the risk of rot.

    I should get some seeds of this in my next seed order so I can have more to work with (but then I'd have to wait for four years more).

    By Blogger Jade, at April 14, 2007 9:25 pm  

  • Not nessesarily :)

    Get some Pereskiopsis spathulata, I graft 2-4 weeks old seedlings on them.. in 5-6 months you will have specimens big enough to experiment with.

    I dont know how you root your cacti, but I find this method work fine with most cacti:

    1) put them onto (not into) some dry soil, and in a shady place
    2) forget them for a while
    3) After a couple of weeks, check on them occasionally

    Some slow-growing cacti takes several months to send out their roots, but sooner or later they will..

    By Blogger Oyvind, at April 20, 2007 11:30 am  

  • There you go again with the grafting suggestion. So far all my attempts have failed. I'm cultivating some Pereskiopsis so that I can try again but I want to wait until I have "enough".

    Most, but not all cacti root by this method. I've rooted many successfully but have also had failures. And it depends on the extent of the damage they have previously experienced. Some of them just give up and die before they root. I have found Echinocereus takes longer than several other species - Mamms, Gymnos and Notos are much more obliging with rooting.

    By Blogger Jade, at April 20, 2007 12:22 pm  

  • How did you graft them ?

    One common mistake when grafting on peresk., is to not give them engough humidity.. I put them in a plastic box immediately, for 6-7 days. If not, the wound will shrivel.

    Here is the method I use, with 80-90% successs:

    By Blogger Oyvind, at April 22, 2007 9:12 am  

  • Bob,

    Let me confess. I had been trying to graft on Opuntia - I had no Pereskiopsis. Now I am propagating the Pereskiopsis so that I can try my hand at grafting again. I don't even think I need such an extensive humidity chamber since the ambient humidity is high around here.

    I promise - as soon as my Pereskiopsis is ready I will try the grafting again. And I'll post my results.

    By Blogger Jade, at April 22, 2007 5:57 pm  

  • Allright, good luck ! :)

    Oyvind, alias Bob

    By Blogger Oyvind, at April 25, 2007 3:03 pm  

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