Sticky Fingers

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Euphorbia knuthii repotted!!

I have been meaning to do this for a long time, and finally got around to it. It was a bigger task than I had anticipated, as there was a lot of growth wrapped up in the pot. I'm still trying to figure out what to do with all the pieces that I had to take off - some of them will just have to be discarded since they won't survive now they are off the parent.

These roots had grown so much that the drainage hole was clogged with roots growing through to the ground. I hope that it will now be able to rejuvenate and grow into a nice specimen once again as it was looking quite tattered and old.

I still need to tidy up some of the cut ends, but I didn't want to stress the plant any more right now.


  • J - They are gorgeous! I didn't even know you could grow succulents from seed - guess I didn't think about it. My kids and I go through the succulent house at the conservatory here in Chicago and my kids and I ooh and ahh. Do you grow jade vines (are those succulents?)? My mom used to have one when we were growing up and it was beautiful.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at March 15, 2007 9:49 pm  

  • So far I have only been successful with cacti from seed (and none Agave) - the spiny ones. Not sure which you mean by jade vines but I doubt that I have those in my collection - unless you mean Hoya and I have a couple of plants of that.

    By Blogger Jade, at March 16, 2007 7:14 pm  

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